The human couple - A species to protect!

Welcome to our Site

This project seeks to approximate people and health professionals. All who are interested in Couple Therapy, working in Clinical Sexology, with an interest in Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology and, above all, that concerns with the joys and the difficulties of daily life of a couple. News will be transmitted, shared experiences, read scientific articles, which have as their object of study the Human Couple: a living species that must be protected!

 The image that supports this site shows what we want to be: a box with tools. Something that helps to solve the problems and increases the comfort zones of our daily lives

This project will be what their readers want; its orientation depends on the goodwill of those who believe that the human community grew out of a couple. Save the Earth also depends on acceptance of this founding principle.

The English is the language of contact but, when necessary, Portuguese and Spanish will appear in the contents. We live in a global village


  Visitors notice

A particular aspect of this project has to do with the idea of ​​platform. With your help "happycouple" wants to be a meeting point for professionals who are dedicated to the intervention with couples. The discussion of techniques, the reflection on the successes and failures of clinical practice and the witness professional gain visibility through the "happycouple" Participate!






04-01-2012 18:26

Female menstrual cycle and testosterone concentrations in male partners

The female menstrual cycle does not influence testosterone concentrations in male partners Jakob O Strom, Edvin Ingberg, Emma Druvefors, Annette Theodorsson and Elvar Theodorsson Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine 2012, 11:1 doi:10.1186/1477-5751-11-1 Abstract...


27-11-2011 21:56

Green Tea, Good Tea

A new analysis of published studies finds that consuming green tea, either as a beverage or in capsule form, is linked to significant but modest reductions in total and LDL or "bad" cholesterol, but the researchers found no link with HDL or "good" cholesterol and triglycerides. Dr Olivia J....


27-11-2011 21:56

Depression and 'concreteness training'

A study suggests an innovative psychological treatment called 'concreteness training' (CNT)can reduce depression in just two months and could work as a self-help therapy for depression in primary care. Led by the University of Exeter and funded by the Medical Research Council, the research shows...


27-06-2011 19:04

Relevant Clinical Questions

      In this series we will be launching issues drawn from clinical practice with couples. Responses will be by all who are interested. A first call:     How to explain to a man with a sexual dysfunction the rationality of sensate focus when we...


05-06-2011 00:36

Check out two common sex-drive killers!

  1.        One of the most important are unresolved relationship problems. For women in particular, emotional closeness is a major ingredient in sexual desire. Simmering arguments, poor communication, betrayal of trust, and other barriers to intimacy can steer your...


26-05-2011 11:28

Someone told me: "I'm cured of her/him!" sic.

   I know beforehand that the emotional separations, especially when love is involved, generate a deep malaise, a grinding will wear down inside of ourselves. But saying that we are healed of a person means that the process of breaking generates suffering, something that has become a...


23-05-2011 22:18

Love do not be required!

   Common experience tells us that psychological sexual arousal has its own natural laws which can be readily identified. Awaken the love affair depends on the existence of a scenario and very affective involvement. Tell your partner "goes to bed" has nothing to do with the erotic...


21-05-2011 23:13

Enjoy Regular Sex and Strength the Immune System

 It turns out that sex doesn't just make you feel good -- it's good for you, too. Studies have shown that a good sex life can be a boost to health. The connection between sexual activity and health shows that the people who had frequent sex are in better overall health  


14-05-2011 22:52

Vale a pena pensar!



13-05-2011 13:22

Hardness Erection

  Quem recorre ao Pubmed ou ao Google Académico encontra, com frequência, textos parecidos com o seguinte:  "The key goal of erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment, thus signalling a paradigm change in the management of ED.1 The consensus also endorses the erection hardness score (EHS),...
