The human couple - A species to protect!

Welcome to our Site

This project seeks to approximate people and health professionals. All who are interested in Couple Therapy, working in Clinical Sexology, with an interest in Mental Health, Psychiatry, Psychology and, above all, that concerns with the joys and the difficulties of daily life of a couple. News will be transmitted, shared experiences, read scientific articles, which have as their object of study the Human Couple: a living species that must be protected!

 The image that supports this site shows what we want to be: a box with tools. Something that helps to solve the problems and increases the comfort zones of our daily lives

This project will be what their readers want; its orientation depends on the goodwill of those who believe that the human community grew out of a couple. Save the Earth also depends on acceptance of this founding principle.

The English is the language of contact but, when necessary, Portuguese and Spanish will appear in the contents. We live in a global village


  Visitors notice

A particular aspect of this project has to do with the idea of ​​platform. With your help "happycouple" wants to be a meeting point for professionals who are dedicated to the intervention with couples. The discussion of techniques, the reflection on the successes and failures of clinical practice and the witness professional gain visibility through the "happycouple" Participate!






10-05-2011 18:40

Erectile Dysfunction: Maintaining Intimacy

     Here are some tips. ·                                 Talk about your feelings: Sharing the way the couple feel about...


08-05-2011 22:24

Blog principal

Um artigo que vale a pena ler com muita atenção:     Gordon G. Gallup Jr., Rebecca L. Burch, Steven M. Platek (2002). Does semen have antidepressant properties? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31 (3), 289-293 DOI: 10.1023/A:1015257004839
